One of my weaving apprentices recently turned me on to the best lamp for weaving...the V-Light!

Although a great light for weaving anywhere on the go, for health reasons, I recommend NOT!

Last year, a student recommended this LED “V-Light” for weaving.  I experienced great light, the compactness and lightw-weight to travel with my loom(s).  Not to mention how the light made a big difference in my weaving because I could SEE so well…!  I wove every day for at least 8 hours per day for 5 months to complete my last weaving project (the “Chilkat Child”).  The light was fabulous.   HOWEVER, reluctantly, I gave up the light.  I noticed that I had been getting weird headaches, especially around my eyes, my throat became very dry and some days where I could only talk in whispers and my eyes were extremely blood shot.   I experimented three separate times where I didn’t use the light for at least 3 or 4 weeks, and then used it for a week or two, which after that time period, the same symptoms occurred…!  I did some research on line to see if the LED lights were toxic.  Some sources say all LED lights have mercury in them, and some companies warn customers of the LED poisoning happening in our country.  FInd out for yourself.  Do you have an LED light? What is your experience?