Northwest Coast Native-influenced aerial sculpture in the modern entry way of Juneau-Douglas High School

I graduated from the Juneau-Douglas High School on my 18th birthday in June 1974.  I haven’t been in the school since the City & Borough of Juneau had it remodeled years ago.   I wasn’t living in Juneau when it was remodeled so I cannot tell you the date.   Today was the second time I had been in the high school since I graduated.  I did a presentation to the “early scholars” class of 9th, 10th & 1th graders.  Directly before my presentation, I quickly took shots of the public art within the vicinity of the path from the front door to Room 214 where i was doing my presentation – I am sorry I did not have the time to get the names of the artists.  Yet, judging by the style of art, I recognize some of the artists’ style.  Do you know any of the artists?

The remodeled entry of Juneau-Douglas High School

I am impressed with all the public art within a minute from the front doors of the school.  Public art was not something to be had anywhere in Juneau when we were in school.  Then art teacher, Max Lewis would have loved to see this kind of progress.  He tried to plaster the walls with our art any chance he could.  If I had photographs of the school halls back then and compare them to what this school has now, we would think that we used to school in a slum.

No doubt a seal among salmon!

Several of these paintings line the upper walls of the cafeteria/commons room off the entry forum.

Even artwork along the stairwell walls!

Very large mural above the forum entry

I am reminded that I’ve been known to do some public art in various places throughout Alaska.  With my Ex, back in the late 1980’s into the early 2000’s, we had created a variety of public art in various mediums.  Our first one was in Sitka, then several in Anchorage, one in Fairbanks and at least three in Juneau, and one on the ferry to Bellingham, the MV Kennicott.  I think I’ll gather up what images I may have of those works and post a blog about them.  I’d like to see them all clustered in one public place…like this blog.  Stay tuned…