
Upcoming Events 2016
March 22-April 3, 2016 Plein Air in Southwest Tour — (Phoenix Botanical Gardens and Saguaro National Park, AZ, Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelley, NM , Mesa Verde, CO, Ghost Ranch & The Blue Hole, NM) Sketching and Photographing landscape, plants, etc., subjects for future paintings
April 16, 2016 Launch of “Weavers Across the Waters” Community Robe to be completed by August 15, 2016 – 54 weavers from the Northwest Coast are invited to contribute a 5×5 weaving in either Chilkat or Ravenstail (or combo); Clarissa will then piece all 54 weavings together into one unit, weave the borders and will create a full-size ceremonial robe which is intended for use during Northwest Coast canoe gatherings and also for the maiden voyage of a traditional dugout canoe. The Robe’s home (when it is not traveling) will be housed in the new Evergreen Longhouse’s Weaver’s Studio.
April 21-22, 2016 New Orleans Jazz Festival, Louisiana — Van Morrison, Saturday, April 23, 5:30pm; also collecting photo images, checking out the art and music scene for future possibility of artist-in-residence
June 3, 2016 Gallery Walk Open Studio Show, Tulsa, OK — Display latest Chilkat robe entitled “Egyptian Thunderbird” and mask, along with some new paintings, pastels, etc.
June 8 & 9th, 2016 Chilkat/Ravenstail Weavers’ Symposium — Working with Kari Groven at Sealaska Heritage Institute, Clarissa is coordinating the Weavers’ Symposium to include 8 weavers from the Northwest Coast to present their expertise in the preparation and weaving of the Chilkat and Ravenstail styles of weaving, including topics as: harvesting cedar bark by Dolly Garza (Haida), mountain goat preps by Marsha Hotch (Tlingit), spinning and dyeing weft by Suzi Vaara Williams (Tlingit), philosophy by Della Cheney (Haida), latest Chilkat robe and research of Juan Perez’s expedition 1774 by Evelyn Vanderhoop (Haida), the Northwest Coast Weavers Supply by Lily Hope (Tlingit), (blue) Ravenstail robe by Shgen George (Tlingit), (blue) Chilkat robe by Clarissa Rizal.
Symposium will also include a weaving class to help weavers begin their 5×5 woven contribution for the “Weavers Across the Waters” community ceremonial robe. As part of the weaving class, held on Thursday, June 9th, 9am-noon, Tlingit weaver Suzi Vaara Williams will be demonstrating spinning weft yarns on a variety of tools (i.e. drop spindle, spinning wheel), she will also be demonstrating spinning warp. For more info on both events, contact Kari Groven at SHI (907)586-4844 or Clarissa Rizal (970)903-8386 (yes, Clarissa’s area code is indeed 970).
June 24, 2016 France Exhibit of Alaskan Art — Nearly 30 Alaska Native artists have donated at least one piece of their work for this exhibit as part of the permanent collection for the museum in France. Clarissa donated a “Chilkat Storyteller” doll made of cedar bark and merino wool with a miniature Ravenstail/Chilkat robe.
July 1-7, 2016 Adaka Festival, Whitehorse Yukon Territory, Canada – Weavers’ Gathering of Chilkat and Ravenstail weavers
August 24, 2016, Hoonah/Glacier Bay, Alaska — “Weavers Across the Water’ Ravenstail/Chilkat ceremonial robe will be completed in time for the ceremony of Wayne Price’s launch of Hoonah’s 2 traditional dugout canoes sponsored by Hoonah Indian Association, Hoonah, Alaska
September 27 – October 1, 2016 – NEA Heritage Fellowship Award, Washington, D.C. to attend the award ceremonies, research at the Smithsonian, network with other artists
October 19, 2016 – “Worth Our Wait in Gold” 2-person Exhibit of Sho Sho Esquiro and Clarissa Rizal, Bill Reid Gallery, Vancouver, B.C., Canada – Clarissa will feature her latest 5 woven Chilkat ensembles in conjunction with contemporary clothing designer Sho Sho Esquiro’s latest Native-inspired fashions
October 24-26, 2016 – Bill Holm Center, University of Washington, Seattle — Research NW Coast Native Regalia
October 27-30 – Haiku NW Retreat, Seabeck Conference Center, Seabeck, WA
November 4, 2016 – First Friday Gallery Walk, Tulsa, OK — featuring all 16 Tulsa Artists-in-Residence’s work accomplished for this year. Clarissa will not have much to show for herself since her entire body of weavings she is completing this year will be on exhibit at the Bill Reid Gallery in Vancouver, B.C. – see above info opening October 19th
December 15, 2016 – After a year as an inaugural Tulsa Artist-In-Residence in OKlahoma, Clarissa begins packing her Tulsa studio home to move back home. She must be moved out of her lovely, Tulsa studio/apartment by January 1, 2017. She moves into another chapter of her life.
Past Events and Appearances

March 5-8 2015 Heard Museum Indian Art Show & Fair, Phoenix Arizona — At Booth D-45 next door to Israel Shotridges’ Booth D-46: Chilkat and Ravenstail weavinga are Clarissa’s focus for her 4th year at this market, with a few of her popular Giclee’ prints and possibly an original painting.
Friday, May 15, 2015 Grand Opening of Walter Soboleff Cultural Center Juneau, AK Clarissa’s recently-completed 5-piece ensemble “Chilkat Child” and Ravenstail/Buttonblanket ensemble by Lily Hope will be danced at the opening celebrations!
May 16-June 13, 2015 (Saturdays) Chilkat Weaving Class Walter Soboleff Cultural Center, Juneau, AK Clarissa will teach tricks-of-the-trade, reinforce Jennie Thlunaut’s fingering technique, and will be of any other technical assistance based on individual’s need; this class is open to experienced weavers of all levels. $65/day per student or $250 for all 5 days. Class limit: 10
May 29, 2015 Alaskan Authors Whale-Watching Sail, MV Allen Marine, Auke Bay, AK Come check out Hannah Lindoff’s children’s book co-illustrated by Nobu Koch and Clarissa Rizal. Sponsored by Allen Marine and Hearthside Books, join Alaskan authors presenting their latest publications; all books will be available for purchase.
June 26-30, 2015 Weavers’ Gathering and Fashion Show during Adaka Festival KwaanlinDun Cultural Center, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Chilkat and Ravenstail weavers will gather under the big white tent on the banks of the Yukon River during the week of the Adaka Festival starting on Friday, June 26th — if you are a weaver with any experience of weaving, join everyone; bring your project on your loom. Local weavers Ann Smith, Charlene Baker, Bev Morris and Sharon Shorty will be there! Let’s have fun!
July 17-19, 2015 Plein Air Painting Class with Dominik Modlinski, Juneau, AK Join world-traveler Plein Air oil painter, Dominik Modlinski in 3 days of intensive. Class is limited to 12. $330/student For more information and sign up, contact Cristine Crooks at
July 24-26, 2015 Teslin “KusTeYea Celebration” Teslin Cultural Center, Teslin, Yukon, Canada Chilkat and Ravenstail weaving gathering and a Chilkat/Ravenstail weaving clas will be held during this 3-day festival on the banks of Lake Teslin! The Gathering is open to all Ravenstail and Chilkat weavers of any experience level; camping on site just outside of the Teslin Cultural Center. The weaving class is held Thursday, July 23 through Wednesday, July 29th. (See “Classes” on this website for details.) A traditional feast will be held all three nights of the Celebration!
August 14-20, 2015 Antique Native American Art Show Santa Fe, NM Chilkat and Ravenstail robes will be the featured Native American antique art at this show, including two new contemporary works, a Ravenstail ensemble by Lily Hope and a Chilkat ensemble by Clarissa Rizal
August 20-23, 2015 Santa Fe Indian Market Plaza, Santa Fe, NM Chilkat and Ravenstail weavings and button blankets are Clarissa’s focus for her 5th year since 1994 at this market, with a few of her popular Giclee’ prints and possibly an original painting.
August 26 & 27, 2015 Northwest Coast Artist Gathering (sponsored by Sealaska Heritage Institute) Juneau, Alaska 26 Northwest Coast Native artists will gather at the new Walter Soboleff Center to provide advice to Sealaska Heritage Institute’s native artists’ program. By invitation only; if you were not invited and you feel you would like to contribute, please contact Kari Groven at SHI.
September 12-13, 2015 Haskell Institute Native Art Market Lawrence, KS Chilkat and Ravenstail weaving and Button blankets are Clarissa’s focus for her 1st year at this market, with a few of her popular Giclee’ prints and possibly an original painting.
September 20, 2015 Site Visit at Islandwood, Bainbridge Island, Washington State To brainstorm with committee for a retreat with Tlingit artists to create a Tlingit Mentorship Program
September 21, 2015 Dedication of the Evergreen Longhouse’s Fiber Arts Studio Olympia, Washington State Come celebrate Maori carver Lyonel Grant’s monumental carvings for the NWC Weavers’ Fiber Arts Studio; yes, the public is invited!
September 27, 2015 Dedication of Frog House Post, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, New Jersey Public event to dedicate new house post carved by Wayne Carlick, Atlin, British Columbia
October 9-11, 2015 Cherokee Art Market Tulsa, OK Chilkat and Ravenstail weavinga and button blankets are Clarissa’s focus for her 1st year at this market, with a few of her popular Giclee’ prints and possibly an original painting.
October 28 – November 1, 2015 Chilkat/Ravenstail/Cedarbark Weaving demonstration & presentation Clan Conference, Centennial Hall, Juneau, AK for details in being a part of this educational presentation to the general public, contact Clarissa Rizal at: clarissa@clarissarizal or Lily Hope at
November 6, 2015 Exhibit at Anchorage Museum of Art & History, Anchorage, Alaska 5-piece Chilkat ensemble “Copper Woman” will be part of an exhibit curated by Alaskan artist, Drew Michael
December 2015 Clarissa will be packing to move to Tulsa, Oklahoma for her one-year artist residency with the Tulsa Artist Residency beginning January 4, 2016.